Jul 18 2003


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Olga gave me a compliment today. She says she can always count on me to finish my set no matter how much she ups the weight without needing her help and without quitting part-way through. Apparently it’s pretty unusual, and she has worked with some individuals who were really quick to give up during workouts, not follow The Menu, and then wonder why the program didn’t seem to be working for them. I can’t say that I haven’t been tempted to be naughty on this restrictive a plan, let me tell you. I don’t like feeling hungry after I’ve eaten a meal, I am getting sick of cooking multiple meals in the evenings…but I don’t slack off during my workouts, not only is it a pride thing at that point, but I’m spending a hell of a lot of money for this and I can’t afford for it to be a total flush. Anyway, today a few weights went up – Leg extention- 58 lbs. Chest press- 68 lbs. Lat pull down- 78 lbs. Dumbell biceps with both arms together (as opposed to focusing on each separately) today, still 10 lbs but after my regular slow set I did another 10 at ‘regular’ speed. Same with triceps, but with an added 20 at the end at ‘regular’ speed. Olga has promised to up my tricep weight next week. I get all warm and fuzzy just *thinking* about it. Same crunches as Wed., plus same cardio. If I wasn’t so concerned with getting to work I’d do a longer cardio set, but…And I just can’t manage my schedule to allow me to do it on off days (hell, it’s hard enough to get my crunches at home in much less actually getting to the gym). No crunches last night – Emma issues that took me to the point of exauhstion and past bedtime. Today’s weight 279.1 *snarl* – I make it through a plateau to encounter the joys of the monthly bloat. Greeaaat. Olga isn’t concerned, since it’s totally normal and expected…but since I haven’t had to deal with my moontime for over a year and a half *I* am feeling a tad piqued.

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