Jul 16 2003


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No crunches last night. The Little Prince, AKA clingy-whining-baby, threw enough of a fit when I tried to occupy him with his swing and some toys that I just gave up on the idea. He doesn’t see me all day, then I dare think I can just put him down and ignore him for 10 whole minutes. Silly me.

Today we did the usual stuff, plus dumbell biceps (10 lbs with added resistance by the ever-cheerful, ever-sadistic Olga) and triceps with one of the pully contraptions (50 lbs). Military press up to 35 lbs. You know, I have done a lot of work on witchcraft, inquisition, the sort of torture used by them to elicit confessions…and I have to say that this device looked way too much like the sorts of things found in Hexenhausen. Strappado ain’t got nothing on this bad boy, no sir. Crunches – 3 sets of 20 on Big Wiggly Ball that was a tad too wiggly today – I lost my footing at one point and almost fell over. Ach, as if I have dignity left to damage! Pshaw! I followed the stretching with a bit of cardio – 12 minutes briskly walking on the treadmill whilst suffering the sadistic agony of watching Emeril make a blueberry tart on the Today show. “Oh yeah, baby!”

So…I’m not on a serious voyage of self-discovery, here (if I am, it ain’t no Love Boat…maybe Pirates of the Caribbean. Gilligan’s Island?), but I have tried to notice when I find it harder, or exceptionally annoying, to stick to The Menu. I find it much easier to stay on-track when I’m not stressed (easier said than done, but I’m taking B1 at night with my extra potassium) and I’m really trying to manage my hypoglycemia better than my usual off-hand, can’t-be-bothered strategy for poor health. My inner pride beast (can’t go wrong with one of the 7 deadlies!), however, rears periodically and demands to know *why* I can’t just eat like a normal person and have another helping of broccoli if I’m still hungry. That’s becoming more of my issue – if I can re-train my inner control freak to focus on controlling in ways I *want* (and, frankly, *need*) rather than undermining me by wanting to cut off my nose to spite my face, so to speak, then I think this might be more do-able than I originally thought. I’ve tried a lot of things to lose weight that screwed up my metabolism, my knees, my self-esteem, and encouraged my self-undermining to kick in stronger and earlier with each new attempt – it would be darn nice if I could make one work *for* me instead of *against* me for a change. Today’s weight 277.7. The Very Annoying Plateau is now behind me – yay! (or, as Emeril would say, BAM!)

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