Jul 11 2003


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My first plateau…awwwwww.

No seriously, it sucks. BUT I worked my ass off (we can hope) today and Olga tells me I get to add in cardio after my weight training AND machines for biceps and triceps next week. OOoh. *That* excites my inner machochist, let me tell you. I need to drink more water. I was very bad about it yesterday, which may explain why today’s weight was 279.4. 🙁

I finally asked her to write down my current weights (on the machines) so I can track that here, too. Leg extention- 50 lbs. Seated leg curl- 80 lbs. Chest press- 60 lbs. Lat pull down- 70 lbs. Military press- 30 lbs. I’m certainly no Ahhhhhhnald, but they’re hardly embarassing considering I’ve only been at this two weeks.

Also, I need to rant briefly(?) about the fucking phone company – we had arranged for them to bill Bri’s credit card monthly, but did they bill it this month? NO. Do we know why? NO. Do we currently have phone service? uh, NO. The bastards have their money now, thanks to Western Union, but still no phone until Monday. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I think this is finally going to drive me to acquire a cell phone and make the land line go buh-bye.

Piece of work-related good news – blues back and approved! CfP at print, due back next week! Huzzah! (monkey off back, film at eleven)

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