Sep 12 2003


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Behind again. Router still crapped out, work still busy – c’est la vie.

Mon. did my upper body + cardio, Wed. my lower + shortened cardio because I had to relieve Brian (sick kid). Upped my leg press to 90 lbs. each side (180 lbs. total) and I soooo still feel it. This morning woke up late – power went off at 4 A.M. or so and I had forgotten to install batteries in my new clock. I just got dressed and dropped the kids off and went to work – meeting this morning I would have *just* made after a regularly-times workout. Also I was home sick yesterday with Em’s virus and still feel pretty lousy today, so I suppse I should just lay low and try not to encourage the virus to settle in and stay awhile. Wed. weight – 267.5!

My favorite fat broad consignment shop appears (from the sign I passed on my way in this morning) to be closing, much to my great sadness. I think I’ll have to pop in at lunch and see what good deals there are – I’ll buy tight so I have something to look forward to! 🙂

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