I’m behind on this – been busy at work (not even enough time to take a 15 I-don’t-smoke smoking break for this) and my router has taken the big crappola so no updates on home-time. Bleah. Ok, so I need to be so very brief: -Weight down to 268, so 20 lbs. down overall. -Used all Olga time I had left, so more Olga time means I have to shell out ca$h, so not for a while. I’m going commando solo.
I’m using a combo of machines, and I’m not sure who I’m helping by posting my weights, but here’s the down and dirty:
pecs: M 50 lb. 2/12
delts: C 20 lb. 2/10 standing or C 50 lb. 2/12 seated
traps: M 50 lb. 2/10
upper back: C 50 lb. 2/12
lower back: roman chair ‘crunch’ holding 10 lb. weight 2/12
biceps: D 15 2/12 doubles or 20 lb. 2/20 singles (each arm)
triceps: D 10 lb. 2/12 singles (each arm) or D 20 lb. double (overhead/reclined)
abs: M 100 lb. 2/20 or crunches 3/10+10
inner thigh: M 70 lb. 2/15
outer thigh: M 90 lbs. 2/15
hamstrings: K 90 lb. 2/10
quads: P 70 lb. (per) 2/12 or K 70 lb. 2/10
calves: P 70 lb. (per) 2/12
glutes: one-leg squats at bar 2/10 (each leg)
obliques: roman chair ‘crunch’ holding 10 lb. weight 2/12 (each side)
(M: Magnum machine; C: cable; D: dumbells; P: press; K: Keiser machine)