Aug 27 2003


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Friday didn’t happen – a certain small blonde girl was SO uncooperative and then we just needed to GO. Monday I did upper body as Olga had set up Wed., and I wrote down all of the weights for the Magnum machines I’ve been on but I can’t find that paper right now, so will enter those when I find it. Monday’s weight 270.5. Monday night there was a biiig thunderboomer – so yesterday AM we arrived at the gym to find it dark and uninhabitable. The sign outside said

No cardio for you!

Well, not really, but the result was the same. Today did the upper body set (will meet again with Olga Fri. for lower body fun) same as Mon. Hopefully cardio tomorrow. Today’s weight 272.0 – I’m a big ol’ hormone-driven water balloon today (and that means 1-1.5 extra lbs. on the scale), that should ease back when I check Fri. If’ I’m Very Good I’ll do crunches tonight. Ok, if I’m Very Good I’ll do crunches after making dinner, Emma’s lunch for tomorrow, doing some laundry, and tackling some small area of the house (all areas need help). Riiiight. I have been SOOO busy at work I’ve been Not Good about my water, and even find myself skipping my snacks (I’m pretty much trying to stay in the Biometrics ballpark) but I hope that won’t work against me too much. Time for smack snack!

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