Aug 21 2003


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Been a busy week, time to log in the MFA campaign. Monday was the final assessment for Biometrics – final weigh-in, the dreaded Calipers of Doom, Bp, the whole thang. The system will spit out my starting and ending measurements and percentages and whatnot (I should get that box any day), so I’ll post on that when I get it. Final weight was 272.3 – down 16 lbs from the program first weigh-in. I have some free PT time that came with my new gym membership, and I’m trying to figure out if I can afford to buy more – so I at least get to work with Olga a bit more before I might have to go totally solo.

Followed that up with a short upper-body workout on my own on the Keyser machines since I didn’t have enough time after the assessment for a full workout. I also weighed myself with the doctor’s-office style scale in the locker room to see how different the weight would be compared with the extra-sensitive digital scale connected to the computer used for Biometrics. There appears to be about 1.5 lb. difference, so on that scale I weighed somewhat under 274.

Tuesday Brian joined me for cardio – I did 18 minutes on the eliptical trainer (all uphill, for glutes) followed by a quick 2 minute jog on the treadmill. We’re planning on 5 days a week together at the gym in the early AM after we drop the kids off at the sitter – MWF lifting, TR cardio. Brian plans to do cardio Sat., too, but I need to do laundry and grocery shop and basically spend that time on domestic crud, so I’m opting out of *that* little fun-fest. Today’s weight 273.5.

Wed. I met with Olga and she showed me more of the Magnum (pullies, know, different from the pneumatic Keysers) equipment and we started to set my weights on those – totally different weights than I do on the other machines. We just did upper body and Olga is out of town for a week, so when she gets back she’ll show me other fun things on the other equipment for lower body, since she figures I’m probably going to plateau out on the same-old-same-old routine we’ve been doing three times a week with Biometrics. I’ll comment on those weights and machines tomorrow or this weekend – I’ll need to note them down when I get my file tomorrow AM. Today’s weight 272.5.

Today did 20 minutes on the eliptical trainer, same all-uphill glutes course and I increased the resistance slightly. Today’s weight 271.5

Today’s heat index was 105 degrees – so thank goodness for fat-free aspertame-sweetened ice cream! uuugh.

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