No cardio yesterday – craaaaaamps from hell. (yeah, yeah – it’s oversharing. get over it) Plus my chest hurt – that chest press ran me over but good. I was feeling decidedly bad at lunch and decided that I wanted, WANTED, a Qdoba chicken quesadilla. So I had one. With guacamole on the side. HA! It was pleasing. It feels really, really good to be bad once in a while, and I have been pretty damn good for 5+ weeks, let me tell you. I was in a mood to be good again by dinnertime and had skipped both of my snacks to donate the calories to lunch. Homers: Guaaacaaamooooooole..mmm….*drools*
Today still feeling like something slightly better than death warmed over. Olga put me through my regular circuit – upped the seated leg curl another 2 lbs. Increased my reps. for biceps – two sets of 20 each arm, and increased my sets for triceps – two sets of singles, one double. She was relatively kind with the crunches because of the cramps – three sets of 15 + 10 with the heavier medicine ball, no weird reverse crunches on Big Wiggly Ball for me today. I did a shortened cardio afterward because I was just feeling really wrung out – 5 min. brisk walk, 1.5 min. jog, 5 min. brisk walk. Today’s weight – 273.7.