Dec 16 2003

interesting bits

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I love historical disease news – this bit is from West Nile Virus may have felled Alexander the Great.

Nothing like putting things in perspective – (from the Globe and Mail) even ancient humans caused climate change.

On ancient astronomers: (from Scientific American) German “Stonehenge” marks oldest observatory and (from The Independent) discovery of buried megaliths completes Avebury circle.

(all found at fine, fine

On fun with corpses:

Viking queen may be exhumed for clues to killing

Last month there was a stir about some historians wanting to open King Harold’s tomb – here’s the BBC update: exhumation of ‘HaroldÂ’ refused

And scientists in Florence are planning to exhume some 50 corpses of members of the Medici family – a link to come when I find one not requiring a subscription.

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