So as I mentioned a few days ago, I have been looking at studying at (lots of places, including) New Mexico…but I have heard back from Tim Graham by email, and talked to him on the phone. Timothy Moy is mainly a 20th century man – darn it all. Anthony Cardenas is in the dept. of Spanish and Portugese, and while that would be OK if I was tied to someone in History, I don’t want to apply to that dept. as I don’t do Iberian linguistic studies (don’t *do* them, you understand). We chit-chatted about my list of possibilities and he had helpful advice – there are days I wish I specialized in Anglo-Saxon manuscript studies so I could continue working with him! He was my rock during my masters thesis ordeal process, a continual point of calm and reason at the Institute (having formerly been Assistant Director here), and an all-around wonderful person to work with. Advice, advice – I love good advice! 🙂